Tuesday, 23 June 2015

One Happy Boy

Bryan loves his Leavers jacket. I can't believe that my baby will be going to High School next year! This is him adopting a Sumo pose when I said "Let mummy take a picture of you in your new jacket." Incidentally that's how he ripped one of his brand new pants once.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

I Felt The Earth Move Under My Feet.....

One fine day, some smart-ass thought it was a good idea to put that white piece of rigid, chair mat in the garage, SPIKE SIDE UP, I might add, in between our2 cars. Now I won't say who that smart-ass is, but the name rhymes with "cleric".
Normally, when I drive into the garage, I always close the garage door before I get out of the car. Always. So what happens is that it gets really, really dark inside.
So I get out of my car, as usual, walk towards the door, as usual, and then..... you see the corrugated side of the mat? Well, my left foot went under there, my right leg went over it, I tripped, I fell and lost a whole lot of skin as I skidded over the spikes.

Look at my beautifully embroidered knee. If you're familiar with skin tear categories, they're all Category 3s.

Now what would YOU do if this happened to you? Would you:
A) Stay on the ground and assess your wounds?
B) Cry and whimper for a bit?
or C) Grab your phone, dial "cleric" sounding name perpetrator and scccooooooollllllllddddd the living daylights out of him and then send him pictures of said wounds sustained because of his stupidity?

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

14 June 2015 ~ Reunion with Friends from Back Home and Meetting New and Inspirational People

Welcome to Perth, Teng Teng and Wesley aka Chou Chou! Thank you for introducing us to Peter, Lola and young Jac. Truly and inspirational family. So lovely to catch up with Vivi and Kim too.
Many thanks for dear hubby for preparing and cooking up a feast of nasi lemak. I suggested having a steam boat as I worked the weekend but hubby said he'll kau teem (take care of business). Guess who had a little nap after mass on Sunday?