Monday, 5 November 2012

Trippy....................... but not in a good way.....

Feels more like a monolith in my middle ear....

It was past midnight when I dreamt I had a dizzy spell. Heck that dream woke me up too! Felt really warm as well, muggy in the room, so I decided to open the room door for some ventilation and turn the fan on. That's when it hit me. Vertigo! I've never had that before and I'll never forget it. Honestly, I thought it was my heart cos it was racing after all (probably from the anxiety). 

I couldn't look down, I couldn't look left nor right, I couldn't stoop, I couldn't look up, I couldn't strain, ....  I decided to call for the ambulance. As luck would have it, I had a cute ambulance officer turn up... John .... from St. John's Ambulance Service..... After deciding that Freo  hospital was the best bet, off we went.

The journey to the hospital wasn't as bad once the driver asked me what radio station I liked.... Which I promptly replied "Anything from the 80s". I was entertained by Soft Cell, Brian Adams, U2 etc....John and I played music trivia..... I won. He was impressed by this Asian woman. 

I think luck was on my side cos Freo ED was really quiet that time, about 1am. I was in and outta there with full Neuro obs done, jabs, bodily excreta tests done, all within 2 hours. And my diagnosis? Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Plan: Discharge, with GP follow up.
What's worse, in my mind, I was dreading the whole course of therapy that may be used Semont, Epley, Brandt-Derroff if all else fails.... I wasn't looking forward to it cos the vertigo itself made me so sick and the idea of rocking and rolling to exacerbate it TO GET better, no thanks, mate!
The day after the attack I still had the vertigo. I couldn't even look at the TV nor look at mobile FB scrolls without setting off another vertigo or nauseating attack.

So off to the GP I went and the GP I saw. He saw goo and gunk at the back of my throat and decided that yes, I do have allergies that have flared up but I was in denial (I still am in denial..... Adelene DOES NOT get sick nor have allergies.... that's conduct unbecoming an Adelene!) and everything is backed up into my sinuses and ears and throat.... ( I still deny that I snore!)

Anyway, that was yesterday. I've been prescribed an antibiotic, a nasal spray, an antihistamine and an anti-emetic... which I have taken religiously (God must be so proud) and last night, was my first night I could sleep without vertigo. Who knows? Maybe my GP was right. I'm HOPING that my GP is right. Well, he's given me 7 days off work to 'observe'.... So I'm now "observing".... and FB ing, and blogging....

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