Saturday 11 October 2014

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming Swimming Swimming ~ Dory

We'd like to thank Philina, Richard, Denise and Randall for having us over for a nice swim. While the kids were splashing about, I was clad in a hoodie, shivering from the cold winds despite the blazing sun, enjoying a cuppa tea and chinwagging with the hostess.
A relaxing afternoon indeed... and the best part was despite struggling to stay upright on the poolside chair, my back behaved itself and that, my dear readers, is one happy Adelene!
So happy!
 The girls hiding from the camera

Dear boy felt so at home in the water

This egg and custard pie deserves a worthy mention as it was made by Derrick, who provided afternoon tea. This wobbly concoction was an agak-agak sweet.

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