Sunday 10 February 2008

2nd year of Lion Dance

Twas a busy morning, having to literally scream at Caitlyn to get ready for Church. Already late, had to go pick Mary up from the Old Age facility. She's a sweet 90+year old lady who goes to church with me every Sundays. The WA Chin Woo Athletic Association Inc arrived on time and the Lion dance started as soon as Mass ended. It was great. This year the Lions did the climbing thing to get the "chang". The spectators lapped it up. The kids and adults enjoyed "feeding" the lions and taking photos of the performance. Unfortunately I was busy running around like a headless chicken during the performance to make sure everything was in order. Ratna and family dropped by to "pai leen" and I had a good chat... to unwind a bit. A bit pooped now. Will sleep soon after "40 Year Old Virgin"

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