Sunday, 20 September 2009

Bryan's Lemon Cake

Bryan had the whole day off at home on Thursday and he egged me into baking a lemon cake.... it was either this or baking trays of gingerbread men.... He helped mix the cake up, he took all the photos except for the last one and with the help of his super-vision, he helped look at the cake while it was baking... updating me with reports every 5 minutes from "look it's cooking like in Cooking Mama!" to "It turned into chocolate cake!"..... No, I didn't burn it, it just turned orange brown....


Physiomom said...

why no finish product picture n Bryan enjoying the cake wan???

.. chubby .. said...

Ya loh! Why no picture of finished product?? Show la ..Well, guess its too late now, eh? Hee Hee :)