Wednesday, 3 December 2008

******************A LIttle Bit O' This and a Little Bit O' That

Got wind that our new house's slab's down.
I'll be picking Father Robert up tomorrow after dropping Caitlyn off to school and taking him to the construction site so that he can Bless it. Hope to get a few pics tomorrow too. Soooooooooo exciting!

Bryan's been kicking up lots of fuss when getting him to do his daily readings for the past few days... Note to self.... Get him to read earlier instead of bedtime.. Duh! Adelene. SChool ends in a week and a half. Have to plan lots of activities for the kids to keep active. Caitlyn's got tonnes of revision books to go through. Now she's expressing interest in learning the flute. Getting quotes for private lessons and we'll make a decision for Term 1 09.

22 more sleeps to Xmas! That would be 44 more sleeps for me, since I take naps in the afternoon.... yup, such is life! Pretty much finished shopping for presents already. Derrick's mom coming over on the 6th, so I'll wait for her to come by first and then shop more then. SHOPPING again! YAY!

6 more sleeps to my surgery!

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