Thursday, 21 May 2009

Bryan's First Trip To The Dentist

I received a postcard, reminding me about Bryan's dental appointment..which was supposed to take place 2 days prior... and I went "What the...." Anyway, same went to Bryan's classmate.

Anyway, I knew I had to prepare him, be it verbally or with a social story. I took the short and sweet route... bribery.. I armed myself with a brand new, still in mint condition Drago Bakugan and bribed him. I still needed to prepare him for what was coming up. So I told him "Bryan, you see this Bakugan? You can play with it AFTER you let Aunty Penny and Aunty Jenny look into your mouth to check your tongue and teeth, OK?". Hypnotised by the Bakugan, he replied "OK".
So off we went, to Campbell Primary School, and into the dental office. He was a real trooper. He hopped onto the chair, put on the sunnies, opened up when he was told to do so, clutching on to his Bakugan. Halfway through his examinations, he lifted up his prized possession, he asked "Guh you huang guh hee ngai gagugang?". It was hilarious.. the dental nurses cracked up. It was so funny.

I had tears in my eyes throughout, not only because of the funny incident, but with the short conversations back and forth between him and the nurses, and with him doing exactly what the nurses wanted... at that moment, he seemed so.... well... normal.

Anyway, he'll have to go back there again in June to have a filling or 2 done... I have to up the ante now..........

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